Software Downloads
Downloadable binaries and links to documentation and example source code for Excelitas' Axsun OCT products.
NOTE: Software versions older than the "current release" are not recommended for new applications but will be available for download indefinitely to support legacy systems, even after being superseded by newer released versions.
Intermediate versions labeled "stable pre-release" are recommended for new designs (to take advantage of bug fixes and new features) but may be removed upon completion of the next full release cycle or upon availability of a newer stable pre-release version.
Versions labeled "pre-release" should be used only as noted to enable specific new functionality or compatibility with prototype products.
Axsun Integrated Engine Components
Contains installers for several Axsun Integrated Engine software components in a single archive for convenience and fewer individual downloads. Includes the Image Capture Tool and Hardware Control Tool unified installer (with LabVIEW Run-Time Engine), corresponding USB and PCIe device drivers, and other required and optional 3rd-party dependencies. Included software is not necessarily the most up-to-date version for each component (see individual sections below) but represents a snapshot of the available stable pre-release versions and compatible dependencies at the time of posting. See here for installation instructions.
Image Capture Tool v1.0.0.434 Hardware Control Tool v1.0.0.267 PCIe Device Driver v1600 USB Device Driver v1.2.6
GUI Tools
OCT Host (.exe)
OCT Host documentation can be found here. OCT Host is available for Windows only. The corresponding AxsunOCTControl.dll API version always matches the OCT Host version in a 1:1 fashion.
Image Capture Tool (.exe)
Image Capture Tool documentation can be found here. Image Capture Tool is available for Windows only and depends on the AxsunOCTCapture library.
Hardware Control Tool (.exe)
Hardware Control Tool documentation can be found here. Hardware Control Tool is available for Windows only and depends on the AxsunOCTControl or AxsunOCTControl_LW libraries.
APIs & Libraries
AxsunOCTCapture (.dll/.so)
AxsunOCTCapture supports x64 architectures only. It is maintained and supported on Windows 10/11 and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver). Operation on Windows 7 and other modern Linux distributions is feasible but not formally supported. Contact us for more information about alternative platform support.
AxsunOCTControl_LW (.dll/.so)
AxsunOCTControl_LW supports 64-bit architectures (x64 on Windows and Linux; arm64 on Linux only). It is maintained and supported on Windows 10/11 and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver). Operation on Windows 7 and other modern Linux distributions is feasible but not formally supported. Contact us for more information about alternative platform support.
AxsunOCTControl (.dll)
Access the AxsunOCTControl library via the corresponding version of OCT Host linked above.
Example Projects & Source Code
Source code is available in multiple programming environments for rudimentary example projects that illustrate the integration and use of the Axsun APIs within a client application.
NOTE: Example program structure is simplified for readability and is not intended for production use.
For integration in non-C-based environments, a class of external code wrappers is typically created for each library function employed by a client application. Axsun does not maintain external code wrappers in an exhaustive fashion for all library functions and all environments, but the function calls highlighted in the example projects provide a model which can be easily extended to wrap other functions in the libraries as needed.
Find example source code embedded within the reference documentation of the respective API or downloadable here:
Device Drivers
PCIe Device Driver
(Applicable to the Axsun PCIe DAQ only)
Installation instructions for Windows OS can be found here (v1440 and older) or here (v1500 and newer). Installation instructions for Linux can be found here.
USB Device Driver
(Applicable to Axsun Laser Engine, Ethernet/PCIe DAQ, and Camera Link DAQ when connecting via USB)
AxsunOCTControl_LW on Linux OS uses the usbfs kernel driver which is included in the distribution and no additional installations are required.
AxsunOCTControl and OCT Host on Windows OS use the libusb-win32 generic USB device driver which is installed automatically by the OCT Host installer executable.
AxsunOCTControl_LW on Windows OS requires a newer version of the libusb-win32 device driver (1.2.6). See here for installation or upgrade instructions.
Sample OCT Data
Axsun OCT image data files (*.dat) are created by the AxsunOCTCapture library using the axSaveFile()
command or the corresponding button in the Image Capture Tool. These files can only be interpreted by the AxsunOCTCapture library via the axLoadFile()
command or the corresponding button in the Image Capture Tool. These sample data files are NOT intended to demonstrate any particular level of OCT image quality, but are available in a range of data types to aid the developer in software installation and API integration efforts.
Device Firmware & FPGA Bitstreams
(Applicable to Axsun Laser Engine, Ethernet/PCIe DAQ, and Camera Link DAQ)
Please contact us for more information on updating your device's firmware or FPGA bitstream. Depending on the current firmware version, a device may need to be requalified or have some non-volatile settings reconfigured after an upgrade. We will help ensure compatibility with your preferred library versions and other device firmware prior to sending binaries or scheduling a remote upgrade and re-qualification via screen sharing.
Last updated
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